Ballad Introduction Using Drop 2 Chord Voicings

A Tiny “Buffet” Of Structures In One Chord Progression

This is an example of using a ii – V – I chord progression as a ballad introduction or a harmonic fill. We have drop 2 chord voicings, an upper structure triad, and a quartal voicing all joining forces to make for a nice line! The top voices of these structures make for a nice melodic idea and the voicings contain some very smooth voice leading.

One example of its application, as demonstrated, is playing this sequence with the target note being the first melody note of a song when it is the 5th of the I chord, since it coincides with the top note of the voicing. However, it is not necessary in order for this chord voicing sequence to work nicely. There is so much that can be extracted from this one idea, so let your creativity come into play!

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Tasteful Ballad Expressions
Enjoy a half-hour video session focused on presenting your ballads tastefully