Cocktail Piano Tips Forum
"Tips, Please!"
Have some tips, techniques, or strategies that you would like to share with our fellow cocktail pianists? This is the place to do it. Of course, if you have questions related to this wonderful craft, feel free to present them here!
- 2 years ago
- 2 years ago
- 2 years ago
- 2 years ago
- 2 years ago
"Nice To Meet You!"
First time here as a member? Please introduce yourself. A first name or nickname is just fine. Where are you from? What area do you play most often? Of course, it's entirely up to you what and how much you share here. That said, we're interested!
"Who Do You Listen To?"
What performers have influenced you up to this point? Who do you listen to now?
"Alone Together"
As 🎹 soloists, we're all in this together - by ourselves, that is 😊. We're in good company, as there are countless recordings of piano greats that continue to serve as encouragement and inspiration to us. Let's form a list of piano solo albums that will be worth referring to again and again 💿...
"Theoretically, That Is"
Whether it's about sharps, flats, scales, or any other theoretical questions that may arise, this is the place we can trade our knowledge...
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