You are appreciated!

Thank you so much for your generosity!I want you to know that donations are certainly not necessary for you to enjoy the free features of our site. It’s important to me that you enjoy your time here and reap rewards for doing so. However, if you feel inspired to contribute, I am humbled by your generosity and want you to know that I truly appreciate your consideration. I can promise you that your contribution will most certainly add positive energy to everything that is going on here.

As a small token of my appreciation, I will share with you a popular 18-minute video session I created that takes us through 32 bars of Duke Ellington’s Don’t Get Around Much Anymore as we have fun exploring chord voicings and other styling goodies within that context. Currently, this item is available in the Piano Amore store , but it’s my “thank you” gift to you. If you do not receive this gift immediately after making your donation, please contact me using the form on this site… I want you to have it. Please accept my thanks!

You may contribute here

With gratitude,

Dave -